It’s Sunday and I am actually out the house

img_2064So I am happy that I got up , got ready and went out without any moaning and any excuses. It’s such a big thing to me. How can’t I be like this every day? Be able to live my life.

Look what I just done there I changed a positive into a negative..

I have learned to be happy at my achievements as little as they are. I managed to shower and change my bed covers the other day and I was proud. That is all I done but I still managed to achieve something so small. The next day I done the dishes another achievement that I didn’t achieve the day before. I didn’t think I could ever be proud of these small acheievments because really they don’t mean much to a lot of people. But for someone that struggles to even get out of bed it’s my acheievment.

Always concentrate on the small things and don’t turn it into a negative even though I have showed you how easy it is.

I am meeting my sister today. I haven’t spoken to her for weeks because she cut me off as she was really struggling. I don’t blame her we all deal with things in a different way and in the end she messaged me to sort it out which when you feel so low it’s a hard thing to do.

Hopefully I don’t feel flat after our chat. Sometimes bringing up the past makes me flat and puts me back to my negative thinking.


On another note I bought a top the other day, now basically the short story is I have an issue with buying stuff. It cheers me up so I take it to extremes sometimes. I’ve been great recently, hardly buying anything. It’s probably to do with the fact I don’t have money to spend haha. But I put my outfit on today and it made me feel great. I’m really down about my weight etc so I got to a point I couldn’t find anything that suited me. But when I put this on it was just perfect I felt better instantly and remembered why I use to do this to make myself feel better.


So positive vides today, well I mean for now.. I’ll hold onto it for as long as I can.



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